Wasit Archaeological Survey



The Wasit Archaeological survey works in the region of the Wasit governatorate in central Iraq since 2018. It is a project of landscape archaeology of the University of Venice Ca’ Foscari in collaboration with the University of Florence and the State Board of Antiquities and Heritage of Iraq (


The survey is the first scientific investigation on a large scale in the region. The expedition aims at the identification, periodization, and context analysis of the settlements within their historical and natural landscape. It is therefore an archaeological project involving also historical and epigraphic researches. The work has also the target of preventing illegal activities such as unauthorized excavations and illicit trafficking materials, unfortunately frequent in the area. A further development of the project will be the creation of a dedicated room within the Kut Archaeological Museum building to provide housing, visible storage, and access to ceramics coming from our project as well as from others active in the region.

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